Qq.com Net Promoter Score 2024 Benchmarks

Estimated Net Promoter Score is


Tencent Holdings Limited is a Chinese investment holding company whose subsidiaries provide media, entertainment, payment systems, internet and mobile phone value-added services and operate online advertising services in China. Its headquarters are in Nanshan District, Shenzhen.

Tencent is one of the largest Internet companies, as well as the largest gaming company in the world. Its many services include social network, web portals, e-commerce, mobile games and multiplayer online games. Offerings in China include the well-known instant messenger Tencent QQ and one of the largest web portals, Qq.com. Mobile chat service WeChat has helped bolster Tencent's continued expansion into smartphone services.

Tencent has been credited as one of the world's most innovative companies by numerous media and firms such as Boston Consulting Group, rising rapidly in its Innovative Rankings.

In April 13, 2015, the market value of Tencent exceeded US$200 billion for the first time, hitting US$206 billion. On September 8, 2015, Tencent became the largest Internet company in Asia by value after Alibaba Group Holding Limited suffered a major drop in its share value.

Quick facts about Qq.com

Subsidiaries Riot Games Comsenz Miniclip SA. ZAM Network, LLC Supercell (84.3%) Epic Games (48.4%) Pocket Gems (38.0%) Netmarble Games (25.2%) CJ Games (28.0%) Glu Mobile (21.5%) JD.com (21.25%) Kakao Corp. (13.54%) Activision Blizzard (12.0%) Seasun Holdings Ltd. (10.0%) Digital Sky Technologies (10.0%) Tesla (5.0%) YG Entertainment (4.86%)
Products Social networks, instant messaging, mass media, web portals, e-commerce, web browser, Antivirus software, Music and multiplayer online games
Number of locations Shenzhen, China (general office) Cayman Islands (registered office)
Key people Ma Huateng (Core Founder, Chairman & CEO) Martin Lau (President)
Founder Ma Huateng Zhang Zhidong Xu Chenye Chen Yidan Zeng Liqing

Net Promoter Score for Top Brands compared with Qq.com

NPS is a customer loyalty metric that measures customers’ willingness to not only return for another purchase or service but also make a recommendation to their family, friends or colleagues.

It is a powerful and effective technique, which can greatly increase a company's revenue if used properly.

The main advantages of NPS are close correlation with a company's growth and easy collection, interpretation and communication of the data.

Learn more about NPS

Yes, it is.

Net Promoter Score is a number from -100 from 100.

Scores higher than 0 are typically considered to be good and scores above 50 are considered to be excellent.

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How to understand the NPS benchmarks

The final Net Promoter Score of a company strongly depends on a context in which the satisfaction is measured.

Consider an example: If Qq.com sends out NPS surveys immediately after purchase, they are tracking their customers' initial excitement and the checkout experience.

On the other hand, if they survey their customers a few weeks after the purchase they are also tracking how satisfied their customers are with their products and services over time.

Therefore, comparing the NPS score of Qq.com with your own without any further context is not that useful.

What is extremely useful though, is using the NPS methodology to track the satisfaction of your customers over time. That's where Customer.guru comes in.

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Track Segmented Customer Satisfaction with Customer.guru

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  • what products they purchased
  • when they placed their order
  • what number of orders they made?

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Other companies with Net Promoter Score similar to Qq.com

We have estimated the Net Promoter Score of Qq.com based on the publicly available information
including the sentiment of the company-related tweets, 3rd party reviews, and Alexa ratings.

Do you think this information is incorrect? Report incorrect information. Do you have more accurate data? Submit NPS score.